Police in Mumbai went bananas and came up with a pretty outlandish way to get a thief to return a stolen gold chain, when they reportedly force-fed him 48 bananas.
According to the Hindustan Times, the thief had swallowed the jewellery in an effort not to get caught but the cops made him eat the absurd amount of fruit so he’d excrete the chain.
We didn’t know that excessive shitting was one of the side effects of eating too many bananas, to be honest, but who are we doubt the methods of the Mumbai police?
Apparently the bizarre incident went down in the Ghatkopar east fish market in the Indian city, when Gopi R Ghaware allegedly nicked a woman’s gold chain and legged it.
Some nearby people gave chase and tackled him to the ground, and the police arrived to take him to hospital, where an X-ray revealed the chain in his stomach.
So, naturally, the only fathomable response to this was for investigating officer Kailash Tirmare to order a basketful of bananas and force this guy to smash through four dozen of them until the early hours of the morning.

At 4am, Ghaware reportedly pooped out the chain and was then left to deal with the potential potassium overdose, we guess.
And, while this is probably a headline you never expected to read on a Sunday afternoon, it turns out this isn’t even the first time police in India have resorted to these absolutely bananas methods.
Last April, as reported by the BBC, another alleged thief was fed five dozen bananas and liquids in an unsuccessful attempt to retrieve a gold chain stuck in his stomach.
So, basically, it really doesn’t pay to be a thief in Mumbai. Unless you’re a big fan of fruit, of course…