Randy Orton’s Wife RKOd Him Straight Outta Nowhere

Randy Orton Wife RKO ThumbRandy Orton/Instagram

Someone should have told Randy Orton to watch out, watch out, watch out, because his wife has just RKOd him straight outta nowhere.

In a video posted by Orton on Instagram, he stands by a pool overlooking the sea when suddenly, you can hear someone running towards him. His wife, Kim, flies into the frame, and Orton falls victim to his own iconic finishing move.

Check out the video below: 

Okay so maybe it was staged a little. In the Instagram post, Orton captioned the video with: ‘#notouttanowhere’. It’s still hilarious though, and almost impossible to watch without hearing WWE’s Michael Cole’s electric voice in your head: ‘WATCH OUT, WATCH OUT, WATCH OUT!’

As for the seaside location, Orton and his wife are currently on holiday in the Maldives. He’ll be enjoying his time relaxing before this Sunday, August 11, when he faces off against Kofi Kingston at SummerSlam for the WWE Championship.

Randy Orton’s RKO move inspired a slew of memes online, particularly at the time when Vine – a video-sharing service in which all clips were six seconds long – was active. A simple YouTube search will take you to a world of fantastic compilations.

However, some people are a bit too inspired by the wrestler – earlier this year a Florida man faced a charge of criminal mischief after wrestling and RKO’ing a fake alligator in a shopping centre.

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