Ultra-fans of the Star Wars ‘expanded universe’ books have fallen to the dark side and are threatening to spoil the latest film online unless Disney makes their favourite stories into films.
The group called, The Alliance to Preserve the Expanded Universe, are upset that Disney banished their favourite stories, and rogue elements within the group have allegedly decided to spoil the film for the rest of us. However the group deny this was their intention. Posting on Facebook they wrote: “The recent tabloids about us saying we were going to post Star Wars spoilers, we had no idea we were going to have such an event going on.”
An admin for the Facebook group wrote last night to apologise for the spoilers but after receiving many messages ‘ranging from polite inquiries to death threats’ the group felt it was time to clear up whats happening. They claim that although the admins are in charge of the Facebook group they don’t control individual members who’ve gone rogue.

The Alliance to Preserve the Expanded Universe have released this statement:
To be clear the accusations claiming that we are a terrorist group that is running a campaign to spoil episode 7 unless our demands are met is completely false. Those accusations stem from screen shots taken from a thread in the group where a few people stated that they would do that. To be clear these people who said they would do that were not admins of the group and they weren’t even active members of the group and were kicked from the group after posting their comments.
In April 2014 Lucasfilm executives announced that the six Star Wars films, as well as the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars series, were the only parts that were officially canon. They also upset a lot people when they said that JJ Abrams’ The Force Awakens would not be based on any of the Star Wars novels and comic books published after the success of the original trilogy.
These fanboys have been campaigning for Disney to change its mind, because they don’t want their favourite characters to be gone. Now, some members have allegedly been threatening to reveal The Force Awakens spoilers via social media in what’s being called a ‘spoiler jihad’ online.
Facebook have already tried shutting down the groups promoting the campaign but new members are popping up and spoiling the film wherever fans are discussing the film… including our own comments so be warned.
Campaigner Roberto Carlos Moscono on Facebook: “I have held my vivid tongue waiting for the movie. After it’s released, well, the gates of hell shall be released… I will see it on Wednesday at midnight, so I will have all Thursday to spoil it before anyone else sees it in the US.”
Thankfully, you can save yourself from spoilers by using the Google Chrome app, the Star Wars Spoiler Blocker extension, which will hopefully catch the comments before the film’s ruined for you.
Sorry guys but let’s take a reality check here, they’re stories. You can still read them and claim that this is how it happened, no one can take that away from you. If you don’t like the way the series is going you don’t have to see the film, but equally you don’t have to be a twat and ruin it for everyone else.

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.