Teacher Receives Letter From Department Of Education Full Of Ridiculous Mistakes


A teacher who thought that the pressure being put on her students was unfair, has got one over on the Department for Education.

Mary Davies, 38, from Yarm, North Yorkshire, wrote to the Education Secretary, Nicky Morgan, about her concerns over changes made to the testing of writing and spelling at key stage 2.

Hilariously though, the letter she received back from the Department of Education contained not one but five mistakes, which Mary took great joy in pointing out.


She posted the embarrassing letter to Facebook where it quickly went viral, being shared more than 13,000 times and has over 1,500 comments.

Mrs Davies is now threatening to use the letter as an exercise in her classroom, challenging her pupils to spot the errors.


She initially wrote to her MP as she was concerned children across the country had been given too much to learn in a short space of time.

Speaking to The Mail Online, Mrs Davies explained how her class was worried about their upcoming SATs tests.

She said:

I have been running weekly Booster classes for my Year 6 pupils for the last few months, in order to help them to feel more confident about the aspects of maths, spelling, punctuation and grammar that they will be tested on next week.

Despite the additional sessions and the exceedingly hard work they have been doing in class all year, the children are extremely anxious about what faces them.


She then joked that she was sure her pupils would have no difficulty spotting the errors in the letter.

As embarrassing a gaffe as this is, the DoE should be pleased it proves their teachers are good at their jobs, even if they’re not…