These Are The Creepiest Urban Legends From Around The World

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Sundance Film Festival

We all know there is some really freaky stuff floating around online, but these terrifying folk stories and urban legends from around the world are enough to send chills running down your spine. 

Everyone has a local legend or a piece of folklore from where they live, but whether you believe in that sort of thing or not, these myths, stories and experiences from Reddit are decidedly creepy.


Maybe don’t read some of these in the dark… Or alone.

Apparently not all animals are cute and cuddly…

Ireland certainly has its fair share of unnerving stories, including some pretty nasty fairies:

Apparently, there are quite a few creepy bridge-related myths out there:

This sounds dark…

Well this is weird:

There seems to be no shortage of strange creature-hybrids roaming around:

Including lots of weird, human-type things that no-one can really explain:

This is weird:

Even stories of a friendly yet homeless guy seem to feature:

This is really unfortunate:

Turin sounds lovely…

Apparently Liverpool has a well-known weirdo who makes regular appearances:

Bizarrely, lots of stories about ominous and barren patches of land kept cropping up: 

And of course, the classic terrifying train stories:

I wouldn’t be going anywhere near this village…


I’ll be avoiding the woods from now on thank you…

I’ll be sleeping with the lights on tonight…