I’ve heard and read about some ‘wrong number’ stories in my lifetime, but this one is definitely one of the best.
The story itself popped up on Imgur last night in the form of some text message screenshots from an expectant mother to a group text chat of who we can only assume are her friends.
“We are at the hospital. Having a baby today!” are the first words uttered in the group, before “Congrats lol but I think someone got the wrong number.”
The first exchange on its own is pretty funny, but this story isn’t over yet. Oh no. Then came the baby photo…
I’m not sure about you, but the above replies would more than be enough to concern any new mother and father holding a minute old sprog. But what happened next is pretty awesome, and proves how nice this family actually are.
It’s no wonder this story is currently going mega-viral on both Reddit and Imgur, and we have to take our hats off to both parties involved. My faith in humanity is restored!
Just what I needed on a Monday morning.