There’s something not quite right about this picture – can you spot it?
The photo shows President-elect Donald Trump and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, an anti-immigration hardliner whom Trump is considering for the Secretary of Homeland Security post.
But, to the eagle-eyed viewer, that’s the future defender of America unintentionally leaking his confidential plan.
And if you squint a bit, you can see that those confidential documents are in fact Kobach’s ‘plan for first 365 days’ in all its glory.
Kobach met with Donald Trump at the Trump International Golf Club on November 21 to discuss his vision for America. And thanks to a press photo, those visions have been revealed.
Underneath the indisputable title ‘Department of Homeland Security Kobach Strategic Plan For First 365 Days’ lies several talking points including ‘terrorists’, ‘criminal aliens’ and ‘Syrian refugees’ among others, Elite Daily reports.
So, what exactly does Kobach’s ‘secret’ plan reveal? Well, reinstating a Muslim registry system (like the one introduced in the Bush era which resulted in mass deportations of Muslim immigrants) is literally at the top of his list.
It reads:
Update and introduce the NSEERS screening and tracking system (National Security Entry-Exit Registration System) that was in place from 2002-2005. All aliens from high-risk areas are tracked.
The next point calls for the ‘extreme vetting’ process of all immigrants, but focuses on Muslim immigrants in particular:
Add extreme vetting for high-risk aliens, questioning them regarding their support for Sharia law, jihad, equality of men and women, and the United States Constitutions.
Kobach’s document also hints at banning all Syrian refugees, reading: “Reduce intake of Syria refugees to zero, using authority under the 1980 refugee act.”
Farther down the page, things are murkier.
Though partially illegible, the next point targets the deportation of immigrants who have committed ‘any crime’ of any level:
193,000 criminal removal cases dropped by the Obama Administration… guidance memoranda adopted by Obama Administration; its new guidance… criminal alien as any alien arrested for any crime, and any gang member… repatriate their citizens who have committed crimes in the Unites States.
Wondering where the plans on Trump’s future wall is? Don’t worry – Kobach didn’t leave that out.
The plans are partially illegible due to Kobach’s arm, but the document says:
In addition to the 386 miles of existing actual wall wishing… entire 1,989 miles planned for rapid build… the PATRIOT Act to prevent illegal aliens… immediately to forestall future lawsuits.
The last point seems to mention voter rolls, reading: “Issue… voter rolls. Direct the Department of Just… Draft amendments to the National Voter…,” and people seem to be taking this as an attack on voting rights.
In the meantime, Trump has released a message outlining his first 100 days of presidency. However, his calls do not seem to directly touch on the points outlined by Kobach.
While seeing such a drastic version of America typed out on paper may seem alarming, the points are nothing we haven’t seen from Trump and his campaign before.
As for what lies beneath Kobach’s hand on the document, we’ll all have to wait and see.