The ‘Angry Splash Mountain Lady’ meme has done the rounds a fair bit of late, but unlike so many other viral sensations it has been explained.
Her name is Jordan Alexander from Syracuse, and it turns out she did have a pretty good reason to be annoyed…
I didn't want to go on Splash Mountain with my life. Angry hilarity ensued. #SplashMountain #WaltDisneyWorld pic.twitter.com/usleit5KgG
— Steven Alexander (@StevenGAlex) March 4, 2016
Jordan’s husband Steven was supposed to be on the ride with her but broke his promise and bailed.
So, with expert timing, Jordan made her disappointment abundantly clear.
Although she did so with humour in mind.
Steven told WHAM:
We were in the park the whole day. We had the baby, we had my in-laws, it was hot and I was getting tired, but she really wanted to go on Splash Mountain and I had promised her earlier that I would go on it with her. At the time I was just beat I said I don’t think I’m going to go on Splash Mountain. She said, ‘Fine then I’m going to go on by myself!

Jordan went on the ride solo and then returned to her husband armed with the death stare picture in hand.
Steven added:
She marched up to me and held out the picture and she said here I did this for you! I took one look at the picture and we just died laughing and later on she said you should really post this on the internet, it will probably go viral.
How right Jordan was.

Steven then shared the image on Reddit, and it rapidly gained two million views on Imgur.
A host of Photoshopped memes soon appeared too.

Following his wife’s viral fame Steven said he had learned his lesson.
He said:
Are you kidding? If I don’t ride Splash Mountain with her next time the internet is going to have words with me!
Forget the internet, being confronted with that stare with genuine anger should be enough to make him think twice.