Here’s a cautionary tale for anyone who enjoys casual racism…
Twitter user @BlackMajiik told a story about a work colleague who thought it would be funny to pretended he didn’t understand her name.
Luckily she managed to get her own back on the guy in a suitable fashion.
Did I ever tell you guys the story of how I fucked with my white coworker out of spite? No? Let's go
— Tora Shae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
So I had just gotten promoted and had moved to sit with my new supervisor and team. I was a little nervous because this area was white af.
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
I chose a seat next to the only other black girl on my team. Little did I know, that on the other side of me sat the Mayonnaise Monster
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
He comes to his seat and introduces himself as 'Evan'. Asks my name. Mind you, my new desk has my name on it.
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
He looks at the name and says …….
"What the fuck does this say"
I brace myself for the fuckery like
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
It is my full name and not my nickname so I give him a break and I sound it out for his simple ass
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
He gets annoyed and tosses my name plaque back on my desk. He fakes confusion and says "Laquisha?"
I'm like
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
Not today white Satan
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
I look him dead in the eye and sound it out again for his clearly dumb ass
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
He scoffs and says to my black ass face
"Whatever, I won't even try. All those names sound the same anyway!"
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
I struggle to hold my composure, smile and ask gently
"What. KIND. of. Names?"
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
He shrugs and says
"You know, those hood black girl names. They all sound the same so I refuse to try"
And laughs
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
I'm like .2 seconds from losing my cool and my fancy new position.
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
I inhale and say
"Yeah, I completely get it Todd"
And smile as innocently as as possible
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
If you remember, his name is Evan
He knows that.
I know that.
He KNOWS I know that.
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
I spend the next 6 months referring to him as the whitest white boi names I can think of.
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
I mean to his face, to other co-workers, in emails, EVERYWHERE!!
"Hi, Jake"
"Billy asked me to get this to you"
"CC: Josh"
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
It gets to the point where other people start doing it as well. Not only is it hilarious, but he is clearly mad af about it!!
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
Finally, he comes to my desk and asks to speak to me.
He pronounces my name right this time.
I say
"Sure Sam, what can I do for you?"
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
He sighs and says
" I get it ok, I'm sorry. Just please stop"
I'm like
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
Finally I look at him and say
"You know what Steve? I'll give it a try. I can't promise anything. White names don't come naturally to me"
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016
The end!!
Moral of the story: "Petty is as petty does"
— ToraShae (@BlackMajiik) January 1, 2016