Women Are Sharing A Meme That’s Completely Baffling Men

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Trainee cosmetologist Payton Hicks gave ladies across Twitter a hearty chuckle with her freshly cut meme, entitled, ‘you vs. the girl he cheats with’.


The meme was simple.


Two photographs of the back of a curled head, but with one subtle yet very crucial difference:


For girls, this meme was instantly relatable and high-five worthy, but for guys this might as well have been the bloody Da Vinci code.

One bloke pleaded, ‘help, I don’t get it’ while another simply posted a picture of a confused cat, it’s eyes darting back and forth in bewilderment:

Luckily, girls were on hand to woman-splain the meme and why it’s so on the nose.


The curls on the left have a polished look, and are loose, soft, bouncy and completely in style – basically, these are the curls of a girl who doesn’t give a toss about her now ex-boyfriend who sent inappropriate pictures of himself to a lesser version of her. Ouch!


The curls on the right – the curls are way too tight and need to be brushed out. They’d have felt awful to touch and have the amateurish, outdated look of the girl who comments with love heart eye emojis on his Facebook pictures:

Girl hair is a language in itself. It’s terrifying, daunting and takes a lifetime to master.

A slip of the ghd’s is all it takes to send out the wrong signal…
