I’ll just come out and say it. I’m not entirely sure that snogging a member of your family and then broadcasting it to the world constitutes as a ‘prank’.
Family pranks to my mind are all about whoopee cushions and sticking your dad’s beer to the table with one of those sucky things you get from seaside resort joke shops.
Once, my mum went as far as to send me an ‘official’ letter in the post to inform me that Tangy Cheese Doritos had been recalled forever. That was good, wholesome family bants. Not whatever is going on with YouTuber Chris Monroe’s family…
Monroe, who runs popular YouTube channel PrankInvasion, made everybody gag with his video ‘KISSING MY ACTUAL SISTER PRANK!’
The video, which sadly did exactly what it said on the tin, was viewed over seven million times, and seemed like it really couldn’t be outdone for grossness.
Unfortunately, Monroe has decided to continue with this sort of revolting ‘prank’, and has now decided to lock lips with his own mum in order to get views.
You can watch the spew-worthy footage – should you so wish – for yourself below:
The vid begins with a series of screenshots showing how his previous ‘prank’ video had been covered in the media.
The coverage did not exactly look positive, but Monroe seemed quite keen to ‘top’ it, stating:
This video, we’re gonna top my kissing my sister prank video. I’m gonna kiss my mom. It feels so weird to say that but it’s going down.
Monroe can then be seen sneaking up on his mum while she does work around the house, before persuading her to kiss him for a video.

Pleading with his mum, Monroe tried to convince her that an on-camera kiss would be absolutely a good shout:
Mom, the video with Kaitlyn went crazy, it went viral and I just I need, I need you to do the quick game with the kiss for me.
She – understandably did not appear too keen – but unfortunately he won her round, and here we are.

The reaction to this latest unwarranted ‘prank’ has been more or less a collective shudder.
One person commented:
Not a single soul:
Chris: alright guys you guys asked for this prank…IM GOING TO KISS MY MOM
Another baffled person said:
In what way is this a prank and who are you pranking?
Yikes. Just no to all of this…
If you have a story you want to tell send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

Jules studied English Literature with Creative Writing at Lancaster University before earning her masters in International Relations at Leiden University in The Netherlands (Hoi!). She then trained as a journalist through News Associates in Manchester. Jules has previously worked as a mental health blogger, copywriter and freelancer for various publications.