Chris Hemsworth Vandalised The Other Avengers’ Posters And It’s Hilarious

chris hemsworth vandalising avengers posterschrishemsworth/Instagram

Thor is nothing if not a man of action and very few words.

Well, it seems the actor who has played the be-hammered god for the past few years has taken a leaf out of his book, demonstrating the old adage which claims a picture is worth a thousand words.

Turns out, a vandalised poster depicting a fellow Avenger, adorned with some squiggles from one of Hollywood’s finest packs an ever greater punch.

As Chris Hemsworth embarks on the promotional tour for Avengers: Endgame, it seems he’s managing to entertain himself on the long hours in hotel lobbies.

On one particularly uninspiring beige corridor were hung the enigmatic and emotion-evoking ‘Avenge The Fallen’ poster portraits.

They’ve been given the meme-treatment by fans and admonished by detractors for being ‘sexist’. But this is by far the best interpretation of the artwork series.

Embodying Thor, the 35-year-old Australian actor stepped up, magic marker in hand, and added his own designs to the faces of his companions in ceasing the chaos created by Thanos with the click of a finger.

Paul Rudd as Ant Man received what could be a butt chin and a moustachio combination, Captain America – lovingly portrayed by Chris Evans – got glasses and blackheads and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye was painted with lipstick and mascara.

Best for last, however, as Tony Stark’s solemn face was tattooed with the message, ‘I heart Thor’.

The little nod to Thor’s boorish and arrogant persona to Stark’s perpetual exasperation didn’t go unnoticed.

Hemsworth captioned his video of the vandalism, as below:

Helping out some fellow avengers with new fresh looks. I can now add make up artist to my powers.

While Renner replied to tell Hemsworth he was watching, Robert Downey Jnr. of Tony Stark fame simply replied with a single tear emoji face.

Meanwhile, Marvel made the decision to release a clip from the actual movie, gifting us with an entire minute and 14 seconds of Avengers greatness.

In it, fans think they’ve spotted a little Easter egg of a hidden message.

See if you can spot it:

Avengers: Endgame hits cinemas in the US on April 26, 2019 and the UK on April 25.

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