Game Of Thrones Biggest Battle Ever Is Coming In Season Six


The past five seasons of Game of Thrones have featured some pretty intense battle sequences, but apparently this is nothing to what’s coming.

According to writer-producer Bryan Cogman, the upcoming season six will be the most bombastic yet with the show’s biggest action sequence just around the corner, Entertainment Weekly reports.


Cogman told EW:

It’s definitely the biggest [action sequence yet]… We’ve always wanted to get to a place – story-wise and budget-wise and time-wise and resource-wise – where we would be able to do a proper battle, with one army on one side, one army on another side.

Apparently, the battle will see ‘hundreds of human soldiers on one side of a field, another army on the other side, and then there is a clash that is highly tactical, yet character-driven, and shown from start to finish’.


I can’t help but notice that that’s some pretty specific wording and only one side is described as ‘human’. Have the White Walkers, last spotted in season five, finally arrived?

In other Game of Thrones news, the show runners have said the upcoming season will be ‘the best one yet’, while Liam Cunningham revealed more about why he’s so protective over Jon Snow’s corpse.