World Of Warcraft Classic Launch Causes Warcraft Pornhub Searches To Triple

World Of Warcraft Classic Launch Causes Warcraft Pornhub Searches To TripleBlizzard

It’s safe to say that recent launch of Blizzard’s long-awaited World of Warcraft classic has mostly been a massive success, with players attempting to return to Azeroth in their thousands. 

I say “attempting”, because the classic version of the popular MMORPG (which Blizzard once told fans they “didn’t want”) has been such a hit that players have actually been facing hour-long queues to get into the game, and there are even reports of players having to line up and take it in turns to complete quests.


Naturally, we can assume that Blizzard is already working to minimise these punishing wait times, but you have to wonder what players who were in those pesky queues were doing to kill the time. Maybe they read a book? Maybe they watched something on Netflix? Or maybe, just maybe, they simply whipped off their pants and had a little… grown up me time.

Brilliantly, PCGamesN reports that those incredibly lengthy wait times to get into World of Warcraft classic actually had a direct impact on the number of Warcraft related searches on Pornhub. I guess people were so hyped to play the game that they really wanted to immerse themselves in the world? You do you I guess. Literally.

According to the ever-reliable Pornhub Insightsit seems that on August 26, at launch when the queues were at their worst, Pornhub searches for Warcraft-related terms rose by an eye-watering 210 percent above the daily average.

But while queue times have been going down, the number of thirsty Warcraft loving pleasure seekers has not. Pornhub noted that on August 28, two days after launch, searches were still 120 percent above the normal average.


I’m assuming that we’ll be going back down to the normal average over the next few days, but I guess it’s nice that some of the gamers waiting to play World of Warcraft decided to simply play with themselves while they waited. Whatever floats your boat, my friends.

This is far from the first time that the launch of a big game has had an impact on Pornhub searches, either. 2018’s “year in review” was absolutely dominated by Fortnite, while a huge increase in searches for cowboy porn was recorded around the time Red Dead Redemption 2 launched.


My big takeaway from all this? Gamers are a damn thirsty bunch, but long may it continue.

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